The body is a dynamic, communicative, intelligent and resilient home for our consciousness. Forces within the body continuously transmute our trauma and restore our wholeness. However, usually we are too busy to hear our own "inner physician." As a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, I love helping to guide people into the quiet & coherency that underlies our daily life experience. As our nervous systems relax and settle into a centered place, we become aware of our innate healing and thriving ability that guides us to embody our wholeness. I also offer Nervous System Regulation: specific facilitation for gently releasing trauma and restoring equilibrium to psycho-emotional states, which corrects imbalances such as anxiety and depression.
What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy? BCST is a gentle yet powerful, hands-on therapeutic bodywork modality. It works with the body's own inherent intelligence & self-healing capacities to calm, relax & restore all body systems. The practitioner is trained to listen to the health within the body's tissues, fluids, fascia, bones & cerebrospinal fluid, manifesting as various cyclic rhythms. Focusing on the health within the body-- rather than the disease or illness--catalyzes deep relaxation, re-alignment & restoration on all levels.
What conditions or symptoms can BCST address? BCST can be a helpful tool in addressing most physical, emotional, mental & spiritual conditions or symptoms, because it works with the fundamental level of health in the body. Here is a partial list of conditions that people seek out BCST for:
What are the benefits of BCST? Common benefits include, but are not limited to the following physical, emotional, relational, mental & spiritual benefits:
Physical Benefits:
Relaxation and ease
Less physical pain
Autonomic Nervous System Regulation (Less stress, more resiliance in life)
Re-alignment of bones & tissues
Improved range of motion
Fascial repatterning and fluidic restoration (more ease, less crunch when moving!)
Recovered tissue patterns following an accident or injury
Emotional Benefits:
Restoration of confidence and self-esteem
Less stress & anxiety
Gentle release of emotional stresses & overwhelm
Lifting of depression
Regulation of "bipolar" tendencies in the nervous system
More emotional stability
Ability to move through emotions more easily and relate with emotions in a positive way
Relational Benefits:
Meaningful connection with the body
More easeful relationships with partners, friends, colleagues, family, etc.
More authentic connections with others
More positive relationship to chronic illness
Mental Benefits:
Less mental clutter
More space & clarity in the mind
Updating belief systems
Spiritual Benefits:
Understanding your unique life purpose
Real experiences of clarity, peace and presence
What can I expect during a session? A typical BCST session lasts 60-90 minutes, including debriefing time. The client lies on a massage table and is fully clothed. Before the session, the client has an opportunity to explain current conditions, symptoms, injuries, and so on that they would like to address. A light, gentle touch is used throughout the session. A common misconception is that "Craniosacral" implies contact only with the cranium and sacrum; this is not correct as BCST engages the entire body. Common areas for the practitioner to focus on include feet, knees, sacrum, spine, respiratory diaphragm, heart, organs, shoulders, neck and head. Areas in need of specific attention due to the unique conditions of the client are emphasized.
Contact me for rates, scheduling & further information.
Avalon received her 2-year training plus 2 years of Teaching Assistantship in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy from John & Anna Chitty at The Colorado School of Energy Studies in Boulder, Colorado